What is Mahadev Online Betting Scam? A 200Cr Scam Involving Bollywood Celebrities.

In a surprising twist, Bollywood’s biggest stars have found themselves caught up in a massive scandal linked to the Mahadev Online Betting scam. It all started with a super fancy wedding in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where everything was paid for in cash! Now, this has put a big spotlight on the questionable betting app.

The Lavish UAE Wedding

So, here’s the deal. A super fancy wedding took place in the UAE, and the groom, Sourabh Chandrakar, is connected to the Mahadev Online Betting app. This wedding was a total show-stopper with Bollywood celebrities attending and even performing. Imagine private jets flying in guests for the big event!

The Mahadev Online Betting Scandal

But hold on, there’s a twist. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) started snooping around and discovered some fishy stuff about the Mahadev Online Betting app. They found out that the cash used for the extravagant wedding expenses came from this app, and they didn’t like what they saw.

What is Mahadev Online Betting Scam? A 200Cr Scam Involving Bollywood Celebrities

What’s Hawala Got to Do With It?

To make things even more mysterious, the money used for the wedding was sent through something called “hawala channels.” Hawala is like a secret way to move money around without anyone knowing. It’s kind of shady, and that’s why it’s raising eyebrows.

Crossing Borders

The ED investigation showed that the Mahadev Online Betting app was based in the UAE, but it had its fingers in many pies. They had “panel/branches” spread around, and these were run by some familiar faces. This setup made it easy for them to move their betting money offshore without anyone noticing.

Seizing Big Bucks

Things got even wilder when the ED raided places in different cities and found illegal stuff worth a whopping Rs 417 crore. That’s a massive amount of money, and it made everyone sit up and take notice.

Celebrities Under Scrutiny

But here’s where it gets really interesting. It turns out that Bollywood celebrities were connected to this scandal. Digital evidence showed that some big names were at the lavish UAE wedding, and they weren’t just guests; they were involved in promoting the Mahadev Online Betting app.

Bollywood’s Role

Several Bollywood celebs reportedly endorsed this app and even accepted payments, which the ED thinks were shady earnings. Actor Ranbir Kapoor is one of the big names who’s been called in for questioning because he’s linked to promoting the ‘illegal’ betting app.

How the Scam Works

Now, let’s break down how this all works. The app had ads with a WhatsApp number. People who wanted to use it would message that number, and they’d be connected to a call center. From there, things got really sneaky. The call center would pass on the user’s info to a “panel operator” who’d help them open an account, place bets, and get their money.

A Web of Operators

There were thousands of these panel operators, mainly in Chhattisgarh, Mumbai, and Delhi. They played a big part in making this app run smoothly, and they got a big chunk of the profits.

Ongoing Investigation

As the investigation goes on, the ED is talking to a bunch of celebrities and social media influencers. They’re looking into around 12 A-list Bollywood stars from different film industries, along with some sports personalities, who might have promoted the app and taken cash payments.

Geopolitical Twist

Now, here’s the icing on the cake. The whole story got even more interesting with the cancelled visit of the Dalai Lama to Arunachal Pradesh. It’s like a plot twist in a movie. The cancelled visit might have something to do with bigger political issues between India and China.

So, as the ED digs deeper into this Mahadev Online Betting scam, there’s no telling what they might find next. The involvement of celebrities and that lavish UAE wedding have turned this into a real-life Bollywood drama that everyone’s watching closely!

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